Create your first workflow
Last updated
Last updated
View template library
There are 2 ways to build a workflow:
Use a template in the library: click View all templates in the library
Build a new workflow
Step 1: Enter workflow name
Step 2: Enter number of primary checkpoints. The checkpoint tree will have n checkpoint and 1 end node
User have 2 options for setup time to start the next checkpoint:
Immediately: YES (the next checkpoint will be open right after the current checkpoint
Immediately: NO
Choose a duration
Choose a specific date
Step 1: Choose voting method for checkpoint
Step 2: Setup checkpoint details
User should input the below fields before going to the next step
List of options
Voting results
Counted by: choose the object to tally the result
Number of results: the number of options will be selected as pass options
Voting condition : ON/OFF status
Number of options each participant can vote
Threshold calculated by
Threshold value for each result (% at least)
Enforcer now can do some actions on chain (transfer NFTs, tokens) and integrate with Web 2 applications such as Gmail, Airtable, Mailchimp, Twitter
If a role has no member in it, user can add new member to this role in this step
Before publishing a workflow, it is important to review the checkpoint tree structure to ensure that it is set up correctly. The checkpoint tree structure represents the hierarchical organization of the decision points in the workflow, and should be reviewed to confirm that it accurately reflects the intended process.
To review the checkpoint tree structure, the user can click on any checkpoint or route in the workflow. This will show the detail settings for that particular decision point or pathway.